
2021年3月11日17:02:21 发表评论 900 次浏览

限定符const可以应用于任何变量的声明, 以指定其值不会更改(这取决于const变量的存储位置, 我们可以使用指针更改const变量的值)。

如果尝试更改const, 则结果是实现定义的。


int *ptr;

我们可以更改ptr的值, 也可以更改指向对象ptr的值。指针和指针所指向的值都存储在读写区域中。请参见以下代码片段。

#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
     int i = 10;
     int j = 20;
     int *ptr = &i;
     /* pointer to integer */
     printf ( "*ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
     /* pointer is pointing to another variable */
     ptr = &j;
     printf ( "*ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
     /* we can change value stored by pointer */
     *ptr = 100;
     printf ( "*ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
     return 0;


*ptr: 10
    *ptr: 20
    *ptr: 100



const int *ptr;


int const *ptr;

我们可以更改指针以指向任何其他整数变量, 但是不能更改使用指针ptr指向的对象(实体)的值。指针存储在读写区域(当前为堆栈)中。指向的对象可能在只读或读写区域中。让我们看下面的例子。

#include <stdio.h> 
int main( void )
     int i = 10;   
     int j = 20;
     /* ptr is pointer to constant */
     const int *ptr = &i;    
     printf ( "ptr: %d\n" , *ptr); 
     /* error: object pointed cannot be modified
     using the pointer ptr */    
     *ptr = 100;
     ptr = &j;          /* valid */ 
     printf ( "ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
     return 0;


error: assignment of read-only location ‘*ptr’


#include <stdio.h> 
int main( void )
     /* i is stored in read only area*/
     int const i = 10;    
     int j = 20;
     /* pointer to integer constant. Here i 
     is of type "const int", and &i is of 
     type "const int *".  And p is of type 
     "const int", types are matching no issue */ 
     int const *ptr = &i;        
     printf ( "ptr: %d\n" , *ptr); 
     /* error */ 
     *ptr = 100;        
     /* valid. We call it up qualification. In 
     C/C++, the type of "int *" is allowed to up 
     qualify to the type "const int *". The type of 
     &j is "int *" and is implicitly up qualified by 
     the compiler to "const int *" */ 
     ptr = &j;          
     printf ( "ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
     return 0;


error: assignment of read-only location ‘*ptr’

C ++中不允许使用降级资格, 并且可能在C语言中引起警告。以下是降级资格的另一个示例。

#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
     int i = 10;
     int const j = 20;
     /* ptr is pointing an integer object */
     int *ptr = &i; 
     printf ( "*ptr: %d\n" , *ptr); 
     /* The below assignment is invalid in C++, results in error 
        In C, the compiler *may* throw a warning, but casting is 
        implicitly allowed */
     ptr = &j;
     /* In C++, it is called 'down qualification'. The type of expression 
        &j is "const int *" and the type of ptr is "int *". The 
        assignment "ptr = &j" causes to implicitly remove const-ness 
        from the expression &j. C++ being more type restrictive, will not 
        allow implicit down qualification. However, C++ allows implicit 
        up qualification. The reason being, const qualified identifiers 
        are bound to be placed in read-only memory (but not always). If 
        C++ allows above kind of assignment (ptr = &j), we can use 'ptr' 
        to modify value of j which is in read-only memory. The 
        consequences are implementation dependent, the program may fail 
        at runtime. So strict type checking helps clean code. */
     printf ( "*ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
     return 0;
// Reference:
// http://www.dansaks.com/articles/1999-02%20const%20T%20vs%20T%20const.pdf
// More interesting stuff on C/C++ @ http://www.dansaks.com/articles.shtml


int * const ptr;

上面的声明是一个指向整数变量的常量指针, 这意味着我们可以更改指针所指向的对象的值, 但不能将指针更改为指向另一个变量。

#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
    int i = 10;
    int j = 20;
/* constant pointer to integer */
    int * const ptr = &i;    
    printf ( "ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
    *ptr = 100;    /* valid */
    printf ( "ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
    ptr = &j;        /* error */
    return 0;


error: assignment of read-only variable ‘ptr’


const int * const ptr;

上面的声明是指向常量变量的常量指针, 这意味着我们不能更改指针所指向的值, 也不能将指针指向其他变量。让我们看一个例子。

#include <stdio.h>
int main( void )
     int i = 10;
     int j = 20;
/* constant pointer to constant integer */
     const int * const ptr = &i;        
     printf ( "ptr: %d\n" , *ptr);
     ptr = &j;     /* error */
     *ptr = 100;   /* error */
     return 0;


error: assignment of read-only variable ‘ptr’
     error: assignment of read-only location ‘*ptr’

本文由"纳伦德拉·康格拉卡(Narendra Kangralkar)"。如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请写评论。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: