
2021年5月13日16:50:13 发表评论 1,300 次浏览


一种双链表是一个链接列表, 由一组顺序链接的记录(称为节点)组成。每个节点包含两个字段, 这些字段引用节点序列中的上一个节点和下一个节点。

任务是通过插入节点来创建双向链接列表, 以使列表在打印时从左到右保持升序。另外, 我们需要维护两个指针, 头(指向第一个节点的点)和尾(指向最后一个节点的点)。


Input : 40 50 10 45 90 100 95
Output :10 40 45 50 90 95 100

Input : 30 10 50 43 56 12
Output :10 12 30 43 50 56



  1. 如果"链接列表"为空, 则使左指针和右指针都指向要插入的节点, 并使它的上一个和下一个字段指向NULL。
  2. 如果要插入的节点的值小于链接列表的第一个节点的值, 则从第一个节点的前一个字段连接该节点。
  3. 如果要插入的节点的值大于链接列表的最后一个节点的值, 则从最后一个节点的下一个字段连接该节点。
  4. 如果要插入的节点的值在第一个节点与最后一个节点的值之间, 则检查适当的位置并建立连接。

C ++

/* C++ program to insetail nodes in doubly 
linked list such that list remains in 
ascending order on printing from left 
to right */
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//A linked list node 
class Node 
     public :
     Node *prev; 
     int info; 
     Node *next; 
//Function to insetail new node 
void nodeInsetail(Node **head, Node **tail, int key) 
     Node *p = new Node(); 
     p->info = key; 
     p->next = NULL; 
     //If first node to be insetailed in doubly 
     //linked list 
     if ((*head) == NULL) 
         (*head) = p; 
         (*tail) = p; 
         (*head)->prev = NULL; 
         return ; 
     //If node to be insetailed has value less 
     //than first node 
     if ((p->info) <((*head)->info)) 
         p->prev = NULL; 
         (*head)->prev = p; 
         p->next = (*head); 
         (*head) = p; 
         return ; 
     //If node to be insetailed has value more 
     //than last node 
     if ((p->info)> ((*tail)->info)) 
         p->prev = (*tail); 
         (*tail)->next = p; 
         (*tail) = p; 
         return ; 
     //Find the node before which we need to 
     //insert p. 
     Node *temp = (*head)->next; 
     while ((temp->info) <(p->info)) 
         temp = temp->next; 
     //Insert new node before temp 
     (temp->prev)->next = p; 
     p->prev = temp->prev; 
     temp->prev = p; 
     p->next = temp; 
//Function to print nodes in from left to right 
void printList(Node *temp) 
     while (temp != NULL) 
         cout <<temp->info <<" " ; 
         temp = temp->next; 
//Driver program to test above functions 
int main() 
     Node *left = NULL, *right = NULL; 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 30); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 50); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 90); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 10); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 40); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 110); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 60); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 95); 
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 23); 
     cout<<"Doubly linked list on printing"
         " from left to right\n" ; 
     return 0; 
//This is code is contributed by rathbhupendra


/* C program to insetail nodes in doubly
linked list such that list remains in
ascending order on printing from left
to right */
//A linked list node
struct Node
     struct Node *prev;
     int info;
     struct Node *next;
//Function to insetail new node
void nodeInsetail( struct Node **head, struct Node **tail, int key)
     struct Node *p = new Node;
     p->info = key;
     p->next = NULL;
     //If first node to be insetailed in doubly
     //linked list
     if ((*head) == NULL)
         (*head) = p;
         (*tail) = p;
         (*head)->prev = NULL;
         return ;
     //If node to be insetailed has value less
     //than first node
     if ((p->info) <((*head)->info))
         p->prev = NULL;
         (*head)->prev = p;
         p->next = (*head);
         (*head) = p;
         return ;
     //If node to be insetailed has value more
     //than last node
     if ((p->info)> ((*tail)->info))
         p->prev = (*tail);
         (*tail)->next = p;
         (*tail) = p;
         return ;
     //Find the node before which we need to
     //insert p.
     temp = (*head)->next;
     while ((temp->info) <(p->info))
         temp = temp->next;
     //Insert new node before temp
     (temp->prev)->next = p;
     p->prev = temp->prev;
     temp->prev = p;
     p->next = temp;
//Function to print nodes in from left to right
void printList( struct Node *temp)
     while (temp != NULL)
         printf ( "%d " , temp->info);
         temp = temp->next;
//Driver program to test above functions
int main()
     struct Node *left = NULL, *right = NULL;
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 30);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 50);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 90);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 10);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 40);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 110);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 60);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 95);
     nodeInsetail(&left, &right, 23);
     printf ( "\nDoubly linked list on printing"
            " from left to right\n" );
     return 0;


/* Java program to insetail nodes in doubly 
linked list such that list remains in 
ascending order on printing from left 
to right */
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
//A linked list node
class Node
     int info;
     Node prev, next;
class GFG
     static Node head, tail;
     //Function to insetail new node 
     static void nodeInsetail( int key)
         Node p = new Node();
         p.info = key;
         p.next = null ;
         //If first node to be insetailed in doubly 
         //linked list
         if (head == null )
             head = p;
             tail = p;
             head.prev = null ;
             return ;
         //If node to be insetailed has value less 
         //than first node 
         if (p.info <head.info)
             p.prev = null ;
             head.prev = p;
             p.next = head;
             head = p;
             return ;
         //If node to be insetailed has value more 
         //than last node 
         if (p.info> tail.info)
             p.prev = tail;
             tail.next = p;
             tail = p;
             return ;
         //Find the node before which we need to 
         //insert p.
         Node temp = head.next;
         while (temp.info <p.info)
                 temp = temp.next;
         //Insert new node before temp 
         (temp.prev).next = p;
         p.prev = temp.prev;
         temp.prev = p;
         p.next = temp;
     //Function to print nodes in from left to right
     static void printList(Node temp)
         while (temp != null )
                 System.out.print(temp.info + " " );
                 temp = temp.next;
     //Driver code
     public static void main(String args[])
         head = tail = null ;
         nodeInsetail( 30 );
         nodeInsetail( 50 );
         nodeInsetail( 90 );
         nodeInsetail( 10 );
         nodeInsetail( 40 );
         nodeInsetail( 110 );
         nodeInsetail( 60 );
         nodeInsetail( 95 );
         nodeInsetail( 23 );
         System.out.println( "Doubly linked list on printing from left to right" );
//This code is contributed by rachana soma


# Python program to insetail nodes in doubly 
# linked list such that list remains in 
# ascending order on printing from left 
# to right 
# Linked List node 
class Node: 
     def __init__( self , data): 
         self .info = data 
         self . next = None
         self .prev = None
head = None
tail = None
# Function to insetail new node 
def nodeInsetail( key) :
     global head
     global tail
     p = Node( 0 ) 
     p.info = key 
     p. next = None
     # If first node to be insetailed in doubly 
     # linked list 
     if ((head) = = None ) :
         (head) = p 
         (tail) = p 
         (head).prev = None
     # If node to be insetailed has value less 
     # than first node 
     if ((p.info) <((head).info)) :
         p.prev = None
         (head).prev = p 
         p. next = (head) 
         (head) = p 
     # If node to be insetailed has value more 
     # than last node 
     if ((p.info)> ((tail).info)) :
         p.prev = (tail) 
         (tail). next = p 
         (tail) = p 
     # Find the node before which we need to 
     # insert p. 
     temp = (head). next
     while ((temp.info) <(p.info)) :
         temp = temp. next
     # Insert new node before temp 
     (temp.prev). next = p 
     p.prev = temp.prev 
     temp.prev = p 
     p. next = temp 
# Function to print nodes in from left to right 
def printList(temp) :
     while (temp ! = None ) :
         print ( temp.info, end = " " ) 
         temp = temp. next
# Driver program to test above functions 
nodeInsetail( 30 ) 
nodeInsetail( 50 ) 
nodeInsetail( 90 ) 
nodeInsetail( 10 ) 
nodeInsetail( 40 ) 
nodeInsetail( 110 ) 
nodeInsetail( 60 ) 
nodeInsetail( 95 ) 
nodeInsetail( 23 ) 
print ( "Doubly linked list on printing from left to right\n" )
# This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


/* C# program to insetail nodes in doubly 
linked list such that list remains in 
ascending order on printing from left 
to right */
using System; 
//A linked list node 
public class Node 
     public int info; 
     public Node prev, next; 
class GFG 
     static Node head, tail; 
     //Function to insetail new node 
     static void nodeInsetail( int key) 
         Node p = new Node(); 
         p.info = key; 
         p.next = null ; 
         //If first node to be insetailed in doubly 
         //linked list 
         if (head == null ) 
             head = p; 
             tail = p; 
             head.prev = null ; 
             return ; 
         //If node to be insetailed has value less 
         //than first node 
         if (p.info <head.info) 
             p.prev = null ; 
             head.prev = p; 
             p.next = head; 
             head = p; 
             return ; 
         //If node to be insetailed has value more 
         //than last node 
         if (p.info> tail.info) 
             p.prev = tail; 
             tail.next = p; 
             tail = p; 
             return ; 
         //Find the node before which we need to 
         //insert p. 
         Node temp = head.next; 
         while (temp.info <p.info) 
             temp = temp.next; 
         //Insert new node before temp 
         (temp.prev).next = p; 
         p.prev = temp.prev; 
         temp.prev = p; 
         p.next = temp; 
     //Function to print nodes in from left to right 
     static void printList(Node temp) 
         while (temp != null ) 
             Console.Write(temp.info + " " ); 
             temp = temp.next; 
     //Driver code 
     public static void Main(String []args) 
         head = tail = null ; 
         Console.WriteLine( "Doubly linked list on printing from left to right" ); 
//This code is contributed by Arnab Kundu


Doubly linked list on printing from left to right
10 23 30 40 50 60 90 95 110



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: