处理中的创意编程|S1(Random Walker)

2021年5月11日14:23:41 发表评论 1,099 次浏览

创意编程是一种编程方法, 其目的是创建具有表现力和视觉效果的东西, 而不是纯粹具有功能性的东西。这种类型的编程方法用于创建现场艺术品, 图形模拟和可视化算法。存在许多用于创意或视觉编程的工具和库, 其中处理最广泛地使用。处理是一种开放源码的编程语言和IDE, 它是为可视化编程而构建的。可以免费下载处理这里。它也可以作为python方言(processing.py)和javascript框架(p5.js)。在本文中, 我们将构建一个简单的随机沃克程序, 它只是一个在画布上随机移动的球。


  • setup()–它在开始时被调用一次, 通常用于初始化目的。
  • draw()–默认情况下每秒调用30次, 使动画的默认帧速率为每秒30帧。



Walker w; //Walker object
void setup() //Called at the beginning once
     size( 640 , 360 ); //Declaring size of the output window
     w = new Walker(); //Initializing the new walker object
void draw() //Called every frame
     background( 255 ); //Setting a white background
     w.display(); //Displaying the walker object


class Walker //The walker class
     PVector location; //A vector object representing the location
     Walker() //Constructor to initialize the data member.
         //Initial location of the walker object is
         //set to the middle of the output window.
         location = new PVector(width /2 , height /2 );
     void display() //Function to display the walker object
         //Drawing a black circle of radius 10 at location
         fill( 0 );
         ellipse(location.x, location.y, 10 , 10 );




//Program to implement random walker
Walker w; //Walker object
void setup() //Called at the beginning once
     size(640, 360); //Declaring size of the output window
     background(255); //Setting a white background
     w = new Walker(); //Initializing the new walker object
void draw() //Called every frame
     w.walk(); //Walking the Walker object
     w.checkEdges(); //Checking for edges of the output screen.
     w.display(); //Displaying the walker object


class Walker //The walker class
     PVector location; //A vector object representing the location
     Walker() //Constructor to initialize the data member.
         //Initial location of the walker object is
         //set to the middle of the output window.
         location = new PVector(width /2, height /2);
     void walk()
         //The x and y values of the location
         //vector are incremented by a random value
         //between -5 and 5
         location.x += random(-5, 5);
         location.y += random(-5, 5);
     //Function to prevent the Walker to move out of the screen
     void checkEdges()
         if (location.x <0)
             location.x = 0;
         else if (location.x> width)
             location.x = width;
         if (location.y <0)
             location.y = 0;
         else if (location.y> height)
             location.y = height;
     void display() //Function to display the walker object
         //Drawing a black circle of radius 10 at location
         ellipse(location.x, location.y, 10, 10);

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:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: