给定数字N, 任务是找到该级数的第N个项:
3、7、13、21、31, ……。
Input: N = 4
Output: 21
Nth term = (pow(N, 2) + N + 1)
= (pow(4, 2) + 4 + 1)
= 21
Input: N = 11
Output: 133

减去这两个方程, 我们得到
![$ 0 = 3 + \ left \ {\ frac {n-1} {2} \ right \} [2 * 4 +(n-2)* 2] -a_n \\ = 3 + \ left \ {\ frac { n-1} {2} \ right \} [8 + 2n-4] -a_n \\ = 3 + \ left \ {\ frac {n-1} {2} \ right \} [2n + 4] -a_n \\ a_n = 3 +(n-1)(n + 2)\\ a_n = n ^ 2 + n + 1 $](https://www.lsbin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/quicklatex.com-aa9ecf3fee9b31064a8e7ea535d26b58_l3.png)
因此, 给定级数的第N个项是:
C ++
//CPP program to find the Nth term of given series.
#include <iostream>
#include <math.h>
using namespace std;
//Function to calculate sum
long long int getNthTerm( long long int N)
//Return Nth term
return ( pow (N, 2) + N + 1);
//driver code
int main()
//declaration of number of terms
long long int N = 11;
//Get the Nth term
cout <<getNthTerm(N);
return 0;
//Java code to find the Nth term of given series.
import java.util.*;
class solution
//Function to calculate sum
static long getNthTerm( long N)
//Return Nth term
return (( int )Math.pow(N, 2 ) + N + 1 );
//Driver program
public static void main(String arr[])
//declaration of number of terms
long N = 11 ;
//Get the Nth term
//THis code is contibuted by
# Python3 Code to find the
# Nth term of given series.
# Function to calculate sum
def getNthTerm(N):
# Return Nth term
return ( pow (N, 2 ) + N + 1 )
# driver code
if __name__ = = '__main__' :
# declaration of number of terms
N = 11
# Get the Nth term
print (getNthTerm(N))
# This code is contributed by
# Sanjit_Prasad
//C# code to find the Nth
//term of given series.
using System;
class GFG
//Function to calculate sum
static long getNthTerm( long N)
//Return Nth term
return (( int )Math.Pow(N, 2) + N + 1);
//Driver Code
static public void Main ()
//declaration of number
//of terms
long N = 11;
//Get the Nth term
//This code is contibuted by Raj
//PHP program to find the
//Nth term of given series
//Function to calculate sum
function getNthTerm( $N )
//Return Nth term
return (pow( $N , 2) + $N + 1);
//Driver code
//declaration of number of terms
$N = 11;
//Get the Nth term
echo getNthTerm( $N );
//This code is contributed by Raj