
2021年4月29日18:18:14 发表评论 1,196 次浏览


给定两个字符串, 我们需要选择第一个字符串中出现次数最多的字符, 然后我们必须检查该特定字符是否在第二个字符串中出现的次数与在第一个字符串中出现的次数相同。


Input : s1 = "sssgeek", s2 = "geeksss"
Output : Yes
Max occurring character in s1 is
's'. It occurs same number of times
in s2.

Input :  geekyarticle
Output : No

将字符数存储在第一个字符串中并找到最大数。现在遍历第二个字符串, 并检查最大出现的字符是否出现相同的次数。


C ++

//C++ program to check the problem
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
#define ASCIISIZE 256
int match(string s1, string s2)
     //Create array to keep the count of individual
     //characters and initialize the array as 0
     int count[ASCIISIZE] = { 0 };
     //Construct character count array from the input
     for ( int i = 0; i <s1.length(); i++)
     //Count occurrences of maximum occurring character
     int mx_cnt = 0, mx_chr;
     for ( int i = 0; i <ASCIISIZE; i++) {
         if (count[i]> mx_cnt) {
             mx_cnt = count[i];
             mx_chr = i;
     //look if that character is present, the same
     //number of times it is present in second string
     for ( int i = 0; i <s2.length(); i++) 
         if (mx_chr == s2[i])
     //check if sum is greater or equal to number
     //return 1
     if (mx_cnt == 0)
         return 1;
//Driver program to test the above function
int main()
     string s1 = "geekforgeeks" , s2 = "geekisgeeky" ;
     if (match(s1, s2))
         cout <<"Yes " ;
         cout <<"No" ;
     return 0;


//Java program to check the problem
class GFG 
static int ASCIISIZE = 256 ;
static int match(String s1, String s2)
//Create array to keep the 
//count of individual characters 
//and initialize the array as 0
int count[] = new int [ASCIISIZE];
//Construct character count 
//array from the input string.
char []s3 = s1.toCharArray();
for ( int i = 0 ; i <s3.length; i++)
//Count occurrences of 
//maximum occurring character
int mx_cnt = 0 ;
int mx_chr = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i <ASCIISIZE; i++) 
     if (count[i]> mx_cnt) 
         mx_cnt = count[i];
         mx_chr = i;
//look if that character is 
//present, the same number 
//of times it is present in
//second string
char []s4 = s2.toCharArray();
for ( int i = 0 ; i <s4.length; i++) 
     if (mx_chr == s4[i])
//check if sum is greater or 
//equal to number return 1
if (mx_cnt == 0 )
     return 1 ;
     return 0 ;
//Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args) 
     String s1 = "geekforgeeks" , s2 = "geekisgeeky" ;
     int p = match(s1, s2);
     if (p == 1 )
         System.out.println( "Yes " );
         System.out.println( "No" );
//This code is contributed
//by ChitraNayal


# Python3 program to 
# check the problem
# define function for Check 
# if max occurring character 
# of one string appears same
# no. of times in other
def match(s1, s2) :
     # declare empty list
     count_list = []
     # iterate through each 
     # character of the string
     for char in s1 :
         # find occurrence of
         # the character
         count = s1.count(char)
         # append tuple value
         # to the list
         count_list.append((count, char))
     # return tuple of max count
     max_occ = max (count_list)
     # store max count in mx_cnt
     mx_cnt = max_occ[ 0 ]
     # store max count 
     # character in mx_chr
     mx_chr = max_occ[ 1 ]
     # look if max count character 
     # is present in s1, the same
     # number of times it is present
     # in second string s2 or not
     # if present return True 
     # otherwise False.
     if mx_cnt = = s2.count(mx_chr) :
         return True
     else :
         return False
# Driver Code
if __name__ = = "__main__" :
     s1 = "lsbin"
     s2 = "geekisgeeky"
     if match(s1, s2) :
         print ( "Yes" )
     else :
         print ( "No" )
# This code is contributed
# by Ankit Rai


//C# program to check the problem
using System;
class GFG
static int ASCIISIZE = 256;
static int match(String s1, String s2)
//Create array to keep the 
//count of individual characters
//and initialize the array as 0
int []count = new int [ASCIISIZE];
//Construct character count                                     
//array from the input string.
for ( int i = 0; i <s1.Length; i++)
//Count occurrences of 
//maximum occurring character
int mx_cnt = 0;
int mx_chr = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i <ASCIISIZE; i++) 
     if (count[i]> mx_cnt)
         mx_cnt = count[i];
         mx_chr = i;
//look if that character is 
//present, the same number
//of times it is present 
//in second string
for ( int i = 0; i <s2.Length; i++) 
     if (mx_chr == s2[i])
//check if sum is greater
//or equal to number return 1
if (mx_cnt == 0)
     return 1;
     return 0;
//Driver Code
public static void Main()
     String s1 = "geekforgeeks" , s2 = "geekisgeeky" ;
     int p = match(s1, s2);
     if (p == 1)
         Console.Write( "Yes " );
         Console.Write( "No" );
//This code is contributed
//by ChitraNayal





:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: