
2021年4月22日15:06:30 发表评论 1,145 次浏览


给定三个正整数L, R和K。任务是找出在[L, R]范围内至少包含一个能除数K的数字的所有数。


输入:L = 5, R = 11, K = 10
输出:3 5、10和11就是这样的数字。
输入:L = 32, R = 38, K = 13

方法:初始化count = 0,对于[L, R]范围内的每个元素,检查它是否包含至少一个除k的数字,如果是,则增加计数。


C ++

//C++ implementation of the approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
//Function that returns true if num
//contains at least one digit
//that divides k
bool digitDividesK( int num, int k)
     while (num) {
         //Get the last digit
         int d = num % 10;
         //If the digit is non-zero
         //and it divides k
         if (d != 0 and k % d == 0)
             return true ;
         //Remove the last digit
         num = num /10;
     //There is no digit in num
     //that divides k
     return false ;
//Function to return the required
//count of elements from the given
//range which contain at least one
//digit that divides k
int findCount( int l, int r, int k)
     //To store the result
     int count = 0;
     //For every number from the range
     for ( int i = l; i <= r; i++) {
         //If any digit of the current
         //number divides k
         if (digitDividesK(i, k))
     return count;
//Driver code
int main()
     int l = 20, r = 35;
     int k = 45;
     cout <<findCount(l, r, k);
     return 0;


//Java implementation of the approach 
class GFG
     //Function that returns true if num 
     //contains at least one digit 
     //that divides k 
     static boolean digitDividesK( int num, int k) 
         while (num != 0 ) 
             //Get the last digit 
             int d = num % 10 ; 
             //If the digit is non-zero 
             //and it divides k 
             if (d != 0 && k % d == 0 ) 
                 return true ; 
             //Remove the last digit 
             num = num /10 ; 
         //There is no digit in num 
         //that divides k 
         return false ; 
     //Function to return the required 
     //count of elements from the given 
     //range which contain at least one 
     //digit that divides k 
     static int findCount( int l, int r, int k) 
         //To store the result 
         int count = 0 ; 
         //For every number from the range 
         for ( int i = l; i <= r; i++) 
             //If any digit of the current 
             //number divides k 
             if (digitDividesK(i, k)) 
         return count; 
     //Driver code 
     public static void main(String []args)
         int l = 20 , r = 35 ; 
         int k = 45 ; 
         System.out.println(findCount(l, r, k)); 
//This code is contributed by PrinciRaj1992


# Python3 implementation of the approach
# Function that returns true if num
# contains at least one digit
# that divides k
def digitDividesK(num, k):
     while (num):
         # Get the last digit
         d = num % 10
         # If the digit is non-zero
         # and it divides k
         if (d ! = 0 and k % d = = 0 ):
             return True
         # Remove the last digit
         num = num //10
     # There is no digit in num
     # that divides k
     return False
# Function to return the required
# count of elements from the given
# range which contain at least one
# digit that divides k
def findCount(l, r, k):
     # To store the result
     count = 0
     # For every number from the range
     for i in range (l, r + 1 ):
         # If any digit of the current
         # number divides k
         if (digitDividesK(i, k)):
             count + = 1
     return count
# Driver code
l = 20
r = 35
k = 45
print (findCount(l, r, k))
# This code is contributed by Mohit Kumar


//C# implementation of the approach 
using System;
class GFG
     //Function that returns true if num 
     //contains at least one digit 
     //that divides k 
     static bool digitDividesK( int num, int k) 
         while (num != 0) 
             //Get the last digit 
             int d = num % 10; 
             //If the digit is non-zero 
             //and it divides k 
             if (d != 0 && k % d == 0) 
                 return true ; 
             //Remove the last digit 
             num = num /10; 
         //There is no digit in num 
         //that divides k 
         return false ; 
     //Function to return the required 
     //count of elements from the given 
     //range which contain at least one 
     //digit that divides k 
     static int findCount( int l, int r, int k) 
         //To store the result 
         int count = 0; 
         //For every number from the range 
         for ( int i = l; i <= r; i++) 
             //If any digit of the current 
             //number divides k 
             if (digitDividesK(i, k)) 
         return count; 
     //Driver code 
     public static void Main()
         int l = 20, r = 35; 
         int k = 45; 
         Console.WriteLine(findCount(l, r, k)); 
//This code is contributed by AnkitRai01





:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: