
2021年4月6日19:25:00 发表评论 1,069 次浏览

Python在模块"operator"下具有用于许多数学, 逻辑, 关系, 按位等操作的预定义函数。本文介绍了一些基本功能。

1. add(a, b):-这个函数返回给定参数的添加。

运算- a + b。

sub(a, b):-这个函数返回给定参数的差值。

操作- a - b。

3.mul(a, b):-这个函数返回给定参数的乘积。

操作- a * b。

# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# add(), sub(), mul()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing variables
a = 4
b = 3
# using add() to add two numbers
print ( "The addition of numbers is :" , end = "");
print (operator.add(a, b))
# using sub() to subtract two numbers
print ( "The difference of numbers is :" , end = "");
print (operator.sub(a, b))
# using mul() to multiply two numbers
print ( "The product of numbers is :" , end = "");
print (operator.mul(a, b))


The addition of numbers is :7
The difference of numbers is :1
The product of numbers is :12

4. truediv(a,b):-这个函数返回给定参数的分割。

操作- a / b。

5. floordiv(a,b):-这个函数还返回给定参数的分割。但该值是最小值,即返回最大的小整数。

操作- a // b。

6. pow(a,b):-这个函数返回给定参数的取幂。

操作- a ** b。

7. mod(a,b):-这个函数返回给定参数的模数。

操作- a % b。

# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# truediv(), floordiv(), pow(), mod()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing variables
a = 5
b = 2
# using truediv() to divide two numbers
print ( "The true division of numbers is : " , end = "");
print (operator.truediv(a, b))
# using floordiv() to divide two numbers
print ( "The floor division of numbers is : " , end = "");
print (operator.floordiv(a, b))
# using pow() to exponentiate two numbers
print ( "The exponentiation of numbers is : " , end = "");
print (operator. pow (a, b))
# using mod() to take modulus of two numbers
print ( "The modulus of numbers is : " , end = "");
print (operator.mod(a, b))


The true division of numbers is : 2.5
The floor division of numbers is : 2
The exponentiation of numbers is : 25
The modulus of numbers is : 1

8. lt(a, b):—这个函数用于检查a是否小于b。如果a小于b则返回true,否则返回false。

操作- a < b。

9. le(a, b):-这个函数用于检查a是否小于或等于b。如果a小于或等于b则返回true,否则返回false。

操作- a <= b。

10. eq(a, b):-这个函数用于检查a是否等于b。如果a等于b则返回true,否则返回false。

# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# lt(), le() and eq()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing variables
a = 3
b = 3
# using lt() to check if a is less than b
if (, b)):
        print ( "3 is less than 3" )
else : print ( "3 is not less than 3" )
# using le() to check if a is less than or equal to b
if (operator.le(a, b)):
        print ( "3 is less than or equal to 3" )
else : print ( "3 is not less than or equal to 3" )
# using eq() to check if a is equal to b
if (operator.eq(a, b)):
        print ( "3 is equal to 3" )
else : print ( "3 is not equal to 3" )


3 is not less than 3
3 is less than or equal to 3
3 is equal to 3

11. gt(a,b):-这个函数用来检查a是否大于b。如果a大于b则返回true,否则返回false。

操作- a > b。

12. ge(a,b):—该函数用于检查a是否大于等于b。如果a大于或等于b则返回true,否则返回false。

操作- a >= b。

13. ne(a,b):—该函数用于检查a是否等于b或是否相等。如果a不等于b则返回true,否则返回false。

操作- a != b

# Python code to demonstrate working of 
# gt(), ge() and ne()
# importing operator module 
import operator
# Initializing variables
a = 4
b = 3
# using gt() to check if a is greater than b
if (, b)):
        print ( "4 is greater than 3" )
else : print ( "4 is not greater than 3" )
# using ge() to check if a is greater than or equal to b
if (, b)):
        print ( "4 is greater than or equal to 3" )
else : print ( "4 is not greater than or equal to 3" )
# using ne() to check if a is not equal to b
if (, b)):
        print ( "4 is not equal to 3" )
else : print ( "4 is equal to 3" )


4 is greater than 3
4 is greater than or equal to 3
4 is not equal to 3

如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请写评论。

首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: