STL是C++的支柱之一。它使工作变得更加轻松, 尤其是当你专注于解决问题并且不想花时间去实施已经可用的东西时, 这可以保证可靠的解决方案。软件工程的关键方面之一是避免重新发明轮子。可重用性是总是首选。
尽管依赖库函数会直接影响我们的效率, 但对库的工作原理没有正确的了解有时会失去我们一直在谈论的工程效率的含义。错误选择的数据结构可能会在将来的某个时候回来困扰我们。解决方案很简单。使用库方法, 但要知道它如何在后台处理操作。
说够了!今天, 我们将探讨如何实现自己的单个链表的迭代器模式。因此, 这是链表的STL实现的样子:
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
// creating a list
vector< int > list;
// elements to be added at the end.
// in the above created list.
// elements of list are retrieved through iterator.
for (vector< int >::iterator it = list.begin();
it != list.end(); ++it)
cout << *it << " " ;
return 0;
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的美丽之一cin和out他们不需要格式说明符来处理数据类型。结合模板, 使代码更清晰易读。尽管我更喜欢C++中的命名方法以大写字母开头, 但是此实现遵循STL规则来模拟精确的方法调用集, 即push_back, begin, end。
// C++ program to implement Custom Linked List and
// iterator pattern.
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Custom class to handle Linked List operations
// Operations like push_back, push_front, pop_back, // pop_front, erase, size can be added here
template < typename T>
class LinkedList
// Forward declaration
class Node;
public :
LinkedList<T>() noexcept
// caution: static members can't be
// initialized by initializer list
m_spRoot = nullptr;
// Forward declaration must be done
// in the same access scope
class Iterator;
// Root of LinkedList wrapped in Iterator type
Iterator begin()
return Iterator(m_spRoot);
// End of LInkedList wrapped in Iterator type
Iterator end()
return Iterator(nullptr);
// Adds data to the end of list
void push_back(T data);
void Traverse();
// Iterator class can be used to
// sequentially access nodes of linked list
class Iterator
public :
Iterator() noexcept :
m_pCurrentNode (m_spRoot) { }
Iterator( const Node* pNode) noexcept :
m_pCurrentNode (pNode) { }
Iterator& operator=(Node* pNode)
this ->m_pCurrentNode = pNode;
return * this ;
// Prefix ++ overload
Iterator& operator++()
if (m_pCurrentNode)
m_pCurrentNode = m_pCurrentNode->pNext;
return * this ;
// Postfix ++ overload
Iterator operator++( int )
Iterator iterator = * this ;
++* this ;
return iterator;
bool operator!=( const Iterator& iterator)
return m_pCurrentNode != iterator.m_pCurrentNode;
int operator*()
return m_pCurrentNode->data;
private :
const Node* m_pCurrentNode;
private :
class Node
T data;
Node* pNext;
// LinkedList class methods need
// to access Node information
friend class LinkedList;
// Create a new Node
Node* GetNode(T data)
Node* pNewNode = new Node;
pNewNode->data = data;
pNewNode->pNext = nullptr;
return pNewNode;
// Return by reference so that it can be used in
// left hand side of the assignment expression
Node*& GetRootNode()
return m_spRoot;
static Node* m_spRoot;
template < typename T>
/*static*/ typename LinkedList<T>::Node* LinkedList<T>::m_spRoot = nullptr;
template < typename T>
void LinkedList<T>::push_back(T data)
Node* pTemp = GetNode(data);
if (!GetRootNode())
GetRootNode() = pTemp;
Node* pCrawler = GetRootNode();
while (pCrawler->pNext)
pCrawler = pCrawler->pNext;
pCrawler->pNext = pTemp;
template < typename T>
void LinkedList<T>::Traverse()
Node* pCrawler = GetRootNode();
while (pCrawler)
cout << pCrawler->data << " " ;
pCrawler = pCrawler->pNext;
cout << endl;
//Driver program
int main()
LinkedList< int > list;
// Add few items to the end of LinkedList
cout << "Traversing LinkedList through method" << endl;
cout << "Traversing LinkedList through Iterator" << endl;
for ( LinkedList< int >::Iterator iterator = list.begin();
iterator != list.end(); iterator++)
cout << *iterator << " " ;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Traversing LinkedList through method
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Traversing LinkedList through Iterator
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当我们只有一个数据时, 上述实现效果很好。扩展此代码以处理包装在类中的数据集。
如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请写评论。