
2021年3月20日16:58:44 发表评论 1,086 次浏览

大多数时候, 在竞争性编程中, 需要分配变量, 数据类型可以容纳的最大值或最小值, 但是记住这么大而精确的数字却是一件困难的工作。因此, C ++具有某些来表示这些数字, 因此可以将它们直接分配给变量, 而无需实际键入整数。下面列出其中一些列表。

Data Type                              Range                      Macro for min value           Macro for max value
char                                -128 to +127                        CHAR_MIN                      CHAR_MAX
short char                          -128 to +127                       SCHAR_MIN                     SCHAR_MAX
unsigned char                         0  to 255                             0                        UCHAR_MAX

short int                         -32768 to +32767                      SHRT_MIN                      SHRT_MAX
unsigned short int                    0  to  65535                          0                        USHRT_MAX 
int                          -2147483648 to +2147483647                  INT_MIN                       INT_MAX
unsigned int                          0  to  4294967295                     0                         UINT_MAX
long int            -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807        LONG_MIN                      LONG_MAX
unsigned long int                     0  to  18446744073709551615           0                        ULONG_MAX 
long long int       -9223372036854775808 to +9223372036854775807       LLONG_MIN                     LLONG_MAX
unsigned long long int                0  to  18446744073709551615           0                       ULLONG_MAX

float                        1.17549e-38 to  3.40282e+38                 FLT_MIN                       FLT_MAX
float(negative)             -1.17549e-38 to -3.40282e+38                -FLT_MIN                      -FLT_MAX
double                      2.22507e-308 to  1.79769e+308                DBL_MIN                       DBL_MAX
double(negative)           -2.22507e-308 to -1.79769e+308               -DBL_MIN                      -DBL_MAX
// C++ code to demonstrate the macros for data types
#include<limits.h> // for int, char macros
#include<float.h> // for float, double macros
using namespace std;
int main()
// Displaying ranges with the help of macros
cout << "char ranges from : " << CHAR_MIN << " to " << CHAR_MAX;
cout << "\n\nshort char ranges from : " << SCHAR_MIN << " to " << SCHAR_MAX;
cout << "\n\nunsigned char ranges from : " << 0 << " to " << UCHAR_MAX;
cout << "\n\n\nshort int ranges from : " << SHRT_MIN << " to " << SHRT_MAX;
cout << "\n\nunsigned short int ranges from : " << 0 << " to " << USHRT_MAX;
cout << "\n\nint ranges from : " << INT_MIN << " to " << INT_MAX;
cout << "\n\nunsigned int ranges from : " << 0 << " to " << UINT_MAX;
cout << "\n\nlong int ranges from : " << LONG_MIN << " to " << LONG_MAX;
cout << "\n\nunsigned long int ranges from : " << 0 << " to " << ULONG_MAX;
cout << "\n\nlong long int ranges from : " << LLONG_MIN << " to " << LLONG_MAX;
cout << "\n\nunsigned long long int ranges from : " << 0 << " to " << ULLONG_MAX;
cout << "\n\n\nfloat ranges from : " << FLT_MIN << " to " << FLT_MAX;
cout << "\n\nnegative float ranges from : " << -FLT_MIN << " to " << -FLT_MAX;
cout << "\n\ndouble ranges from : " << DBL_MIN << " to " << DBL_MAX;
cout << "\n\nnegative double ranges from : " << -DBL_MIN << " to " << +DBL_MAX;
return 0;


char ranges from : -128 to 127

short char ranges from : -128 to 127

unsigned char ranges from : 0 to 255

short int ranges from : -32768 to 32767

unsigned short int ranges from : 0 to 65535

int ranges from : -2147483648 to 2147483647

unsigned int ranges from : 0 to 4294967295

long int ranges from : -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

unsigned long int ranges from : 0 to 18446744073709551615

long long int ranges from : -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807

unsigned long long int ranges from : 0 to 18446744073709551615

float ranges from : 1.17549e-38 to 3.40282e+38

negative float ranges from : -1.17549e-38 to -3.40282e+38

double ranges from : 2.22507e-308 to 1.79769e+308

negative double ranges from : -2.22507e-308 to 1.79769e+308

如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请写评论。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: