
2021年3月19日18:39:45 发表评论 938 次浏览




给定一系列磁盘磁道编号和初始磁头位置, 我们的任务是查找为访问所有请求的磁道而执行的查找操作总数




基本思想是, 应首先维修更靠近当前磁盘磁头位置的轨道, 以便




  1. 性能优于FCFS调度算法。
  2. 它提供了更好的吞吐量。
  3. 此算法用于批处理系统, 在该系统中, 吞吐量更为重要。
  4. 它的平均响应时间和等待时间更少。


  1. 对于某些请求, 可能会出现饥饿, 因为它容易达到请求且忽略了遥远的过程。
  2. 由于响应时间差异很大, 因此缺乏可预测性。
  3. 切换方向会使事情变慢。


  1. 让Request数组表示一个数组, 该数组存储已请求的曲目的索引。 "磁头"是磁盘磁头的位置。
  2. 找到请求数组中所有磁迹到头部的正距离。
  3. 从请求的阵列中找到一条尚未被访问/维修且距头部最小距离的轨道。
  4. 以此距离增加总寻道数。
  5. 当前服务的轨道位置现在变为新的头位置。
  6. 转到步骤2, 直到未维修请求数组中的所有轨道。


请求顺序= {176, 79, 34, 60, 92, 11, 41, 114}

初始头部位置= 50



因此, 总寻道数计算为:

= (50-41)+(41-34)+(34-11)+(60-11)+(79-60)+(92-79)+(114-92)+(176-114)
= 204


SSTF的实现如下。请注意, 我们已使节点类具有2个成员。 "距离"用于存储头部和轨道位置之间的距离。 " accessed"是一个布尔变量, 它指示磁盘磁头之前是否已经访问过/维护过磁道。


class node {
     // represent difference between 
     // head position and track number
     int distance = 0 ; 
     // true if track has been accessed
     boolean accessed = false ; 
public class SSTF {
     // Calculates difference of each 
     // track number with the head position
     public static void calculateDifference( int queue[], int head, node diff[])
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < diff.length; i++)
             diff[i].distance = Math.abs(queue[i] - head);
     // find unaccessed track 
     // which is at minimum distance from head
     public static int findMin(node diff[])
         int index = - 1 , minimum = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < diff.length; i++) {
             if (!diff[i].accessed && minimum > diff[i].distance) {
                 minimum = diff[i].distance;
                 index = i;
         return index;
     public static void shortestSeekTimeFirst( int request[], int head)
         if (request.length == 0 )
             return ;
         // create array of objects of class node    
         node diff[] = new node[request.length]; 
         // initialize array
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < diff.length; i++) 
             diff[i] = new node();
         // count total number of seek operation    
         int seek_count = 0 ; 
         // stores sequence in which disk access is done
         int [] seek_sequence = new int [request.length + 1 ]; 
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < request.length; i++) {
             seek_sequence[i] = head;
             calculateDifference(request, head, diff);
             int index = findMin(diff);
             diff[index].accessed = true ;
             // increase the total count
             seek_count += diff[index].distance; 
             // accessed track is now new head
             head = request[index]; 
         // for last accessed track
         seek_sequence[seek_sequence.length - 1 ] = head; 
         System.out.println( "Total number of seek operations = " 
                                                      + seek_count);
         System.out.println( "Seek Sequence is" );
         // print the sequence
         for ( int i = 0 ; i < seek_sequence.length; i++) 
     public static void main(String[] args)
         // request array
         int arr[] = { 176 , 79 , 34 , 60 , 92 , 11 , 41 , 114 }; 
         shortestSeekTimeFirst(arr, 50 );


# Python3 program for implementation of 
# SSTF disk scheduling 
# Calculates difference of each 
# track number with the head position
def calculateDifference(queue, head, diff):
     for i in range ( len (diff)):
         diff[i][ 0 ] = abs (queue[i] - head) 
# find unaccessed track which is 
# at minimum distance from head 
def findMin(diff): 
     index = - 1
     minimum = 999999999
     for i in range ( len (diff)):
         if ( not diff[i][ 1 ] and 
                 minimum > diff[i][ 0 ]):
             minimum = diff[i][ 0 ]
             index = i
     return index 
def shortestSeekTimeFirst(request, head):             
         if ( len (request) = = 0 ): 
         l = len (request) 
         diff = [ 0 ] * l
         # initialize array 
         for i in range (l):
             diff[i] = [ 0 , 0 ]
         # count total number of seek operation     
         seek_count = 0
         # stores sequence in which disk 
         # access is done 
         seek_sequence = [ 0 ] * (l + 1 ) 
         for i in range (l): 
             seek_sequence[i] = head 
             calculateDifference(request, head, diff) 
             index = findMin(diff) 
             diff[index][ 1 ] = True
             # increase the total count 
             seek_count + = diff[index][ 0 ] 
             # accessed track is now new head 
             head = request[index] 
         # for last accessed track 
         seek_sequence[ len (seek_sequence) - 1 ] = head 
         print ( "Total number of seek operations =" , seek_count) 
         print ( "Seek Sequence is" ) 
         # print the sequence 
         for i in range (l + 1 ):
             print (seek_sequence[i]) 
# Driver code 
if __name__ = = "__main__" :
     # request array 
     proc = [ 176 , 79 , 34 , 60 , 92 , 11 , 41 , 114 ]
     shortestSeekTimeFirst(proc, 50 )
# This code is contributed by
# Shubham Singh(SHUBHAMSINGH10)


// C# program for implementation of FCFS 
// scheduling 
using System;
public class node
     // represent difference between 
     // head position and track number
     public int distance = 0; 
     // true if track has been accessed
     public Boolean accessed = false ; 
public class SSTF 
     // Calculates difference of each 
     // track number with the head position
     public static void calculateDifference( int []queue, int head, node []diff)
         for ( int i = 0; i < diff.Length; i++)
             diff[i].distance = Math.Abs(queue[i] - head);
     // find unaccessed track 
     // which is at minimum distance from head
     public static int findMin(node []diff)
         int index = -1, minimum = int .MaxValue;
         for ( int i = 0; i < diff.Length; i++)
             if (!diff[i].accessed && minimum > diff[i].distance)
                 minimum = diff[i].distance;
                 index = i;
         return index;
     public static void shortestSeekTimeFirst( int []request, int head)
         if (request.Length == 0)
             return ;
         // create array of objects of class node 
         node []diff = new node[request.Length]; 
         // initialize array
         for ( int i = 0; i < diff.Length; i++) 
             diff[i] = new node();
         // count total number of seek operation 
         int seek_count = 0; 
         // stores sequence in which disk access is done
         int [] seek_sequence = new int [request.Length + 1]; 
         for ( int i = 0; i < request.Length; i++)
             seek_sequence[i] = head;
             calculateDifference(request, head, diff);
             int index = findMin(diff);
             diff[index].accessed = true ;
             // increase the total count
             seek_count += diff[index].distance; 
             // accessed track is now new head
             head = request[index]; 
         // for last accessed track
         seek_sequence[seek_sequence.Length - 1] = head; 
         Console.WriteLine( "Total number of seek operations = "
                                                     + seek_count);
         Console.WriteLine( "Seek Sequence is" );
         // print the sequence
         for ( int i = 0; i < seek_sequence.Length; i++) 
     // Driver code
     public static void Main(String[] args)
         // request array
         int []arr = { 176, 79, 34, 60, 92, 11, 41, 114 }; 
         shortestSeekTimeFirst(arr, 50);
// This code contributed by Rajput-Ji


Total number of seek operations = 204
Seek Sequence is



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: