
2021年3月15日09:11:03 发表评论 1,216 次浏览

给定一个具有动态数据的巨大文件, 编写一个程序以随时读取文件的最后n行而不读取整个文件。问题类似于linux中的tail命令, 该命令显示文件的最后几行。它主要用于查看日志文件更新, 因为这些更新已附加到日志文件中。

资源 :微软面试

我们强烈建议你最小化浏览器, 然后自己尝试。



2.程序应处理传入的动态数据, 并在任何时候返回最后n行。

3.在读取最后n行之前, 程序不应关闭输入流。

以下是其C ++实现

// C++ program to implement your own tail
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
#define SIZE 100
// Utility function to sleep for n seconds
void sleep(unsigned int n)
     clock_t goal = n * 1000 + clock ();
     while (goal > clock ());
// function to read last n lines from the file
// at any point without reading the entire file
void tail( FILE * in, int n)
     int count = 0;  // To count '\n' characters
     // unsigned long long pos (stores upto 2^64 – 1
     // chars) assuming that long long int takes 8 
     // bytes
     unsigned long long pos;
     char str[2*SIZE];
     // Go to End of file
     if ( fseek (in, 0, SEEK_END))
         perror ( "fseek() failed" );
         // pos will contain no. of chars in
         // input file.
         pos = ftell (in);
         // search for '\n' characters
         while (pos)
             // Move 'pos' away from end of file.
             if (! fseek (in, --pos, SEEK_SET))
                 if ( fgetc (in) == '\n' )
                     // stop reading when n newlines
                     // is found
                     if (count++ == n)
                         break ;
                 perror ( "fseek() failed" );
         // print last n lines
         printf ( "Printing last %d lines -\n" , n);
         while ( fgets (str, sizeof (str), in))
             printf ( "%s" , str);
     printf ( "\n\n" );
// Creates a file and prints and calls tail() for 
// 10 different values of n (from 1 to 10)
int main()
     FILE * fp;
     char buffer[SIZE];
     // Open file in binary mode
     // wb+ mode for reading and writing simultaneously
     fp = fopen ( "input.txt" , "wb+" );
     if (fp == NULL)
         printf ( "Error while opening file" );
         exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
     srand ( time (NULL));
     // Dynamically add lines to input file
     // and call tail() each time
     for ( int index = 1; index <= 10; index++)
         /* generate random logs to print in input file*/
         for ( int i = 0; i < SIZE - 1; i++)
             buffer[i] = rand () % 26 + 65; // A-Z
         buffer[SIZE] = '\0' ;
         /* code to print timestamp in logs */
         // get current calendar time
         time_t ltime = time (NULL);
         // asctime() returns a pointer to a string
         // which represents the day and time
         char * date = asctime ( localtime (&ltime));
         // replace the '\n' character in the date string
         // with '\0' to print on the same line.
         date[ strlen (date)-1] = '\0' ;
         /* Note in text mode '\n' appends two characters, so we have opened file in binary mode */
         fprintf (fp, "\nLine #%d [%s] - %s" , index, date, buffer);
         // flush the input stream before calling tail
         fflush (fp);
         // read last index lines from the file
         tail(fp, index);
         // sleep for 3 seconds
         // note difference in timestamps in logs
     /* close the file before ending program */
     fclose (fp);
     return 0;


1.此代码无法在在线编译器上使用, 因为它需要文件创建权限。在本地计算机上运行时, 它将生成示例输入文件" input.txt", 并向其动态写入数据10次, 并每次都调用tail()函数。

2.我们应该避免对大型文件(以GB为单位)使用fseek()和ftell(), 因为它们在long int类型的文件位置上运行。请改用_fseeki64()和_ftelli64()。

3. unsigned long的最大允许值为232– 1(假设无符号long占用4个字节)。它可用于文件大小小于4 GB的文件。

4. unsigned long long的最大允许值为264– 1(假设unsigned long long占用8个字节)。它可用于文件大小超过4 GB的文件。

本文作者:阿迪亚·戈尔(Aditya Goel)。如果发现任何不正确的地方, 或者想分享有关上述主题的更多信息, 请发表评论。



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: